
It’s not easy making it to the top, you know. But if you are willing to sacrifice everything you hold dear, then you’ll find that the endless self torture, the lies, the fakery, the backstabbing and the gross neglect of your friends and family will prove worthwhile. You will stand on that podium while the…

Whitewashed Pavements

When I first pitched Izak this idea, I really didn’t know if it was going to work. But hell if he doesn’t save my scripts time after time. ↓ TranscriptIZS Kristof is talking to someone behind the “camera”, man on the street style. “The real problem with suicide reporting these days is whitewashing.” A shaky…


I believe this used to be an actual method of determining whether someone was a witch. Hell of a troll thought that one up. Whether or not this is mostly hearsay and legend, I’m not really sure. I didn’t get to where I am today by fact checking. I do know that they sometimes tested…

Infinite Possibilities

This was inspired by the Library of Babel – both the short story by Jorge Luis Borges and the mind shattering online version of his fictional library. Seriously, go check it out. And take the time to understand what it’s doing. It will blow your little brains out. It certainly did mine. Also inspired by…

What Women Want

This one’s a true story which is pretty much verbatim. Let’s just say that if you hit on Zara you’re not going to get an eloquent refusal. Also she loves books more than she loves people I think. Also she’s married, so you’ll thank her later for not letting you waste your time. Also she…

The Colony

I hope everyone in New Zealand is enjoying their summer. And you know, the return to work… I was particularly lucky in that I had two days more holiday than everyone else. The fact that I basically wasted those two extra days doing sweet fuck all is irrelevant. This year, Izak Smells is hoping to…

Just Like a Real Boy

Izak: Today comes with a special bonus comic. The bonus one isn’t a “ha ha” comic so we didn’t want to include it as an official strip, so instead have it down here with the words. Kristof: This bonus strip came out of one of our (many) discussions about AI, sparked by the idea that…

My Mum Has A Spare Set

That time where a fairly mundane earth thing becomes a real pain in the ass in space. I jumped into my humble Asp on Elite: Dangerous for the reference shots. Man, the debug camera is a real bitch to maneuver! This isn’t the first time Elite has made it’s way into the comics. That game took…

Pinch A Loaf

Welcome into the new year! I feel like it is time I share with you the Little Old Men Fish   Mainly because I have nothing else to say. At some point, when I am equally as mute, I’ll show you the Little Old Lady Fish.

Master of Descent

Hey Stonelord, long time no see. I’m sitting here surrounded by goodies I was given over Christmas. I want this tradition of giving chocolates to be replaced with bags of corn chips or something. To much sweet stuff! I’m not some young chimney sweep with a lust for lollies. I need salted stuff! Or more bourbon.…