A Sufficient Safety Measure

Becky kindly let me use Boots and Human. This is also sort of a spiritual successor to the last comic as well. We kind of had an initial idea and I went and got all excited for this alternative punch. Also, the back of that car is about the best car I’ve ever drawn. I…

Boot Camp

I’ve spend the last couple (hundred) weeks drawing a poster for IzakSmells. Unfortunately it won’t be going on the store because have you ever tried sending a poster anywhere? Pain in the butt, so you’ll have to buy our posters from us in person. We’ll be going to Hamilton Zinefest next month and Tauranga Zinefest…

Something Beautiful

Hey, Kite and Mule-bot made it to that city! Kite strips are a unique challenge for me – they need to stand on their own as self-contained pieces, because that’s the Izak Smells format, but Izak and I are also trying to tell a longer story with Kite. The arrival of Mule-bot has allowed for a…

Of Mice & Frogs

I was half way through drawing the original comic (pictured in it’s current state below) when I suddenly went “wait a minute.” and did the other one (above) instead upon Kristof’s nods of approval. This week I’ve started what feels like half a dozen comics, all of which are still blue lines or got thrown…

Pregnancy Test

Although the reaction of the main character in this comic is over dramatic and cheesy, the punchline was too good for me not to draw it. I think this is something that every woman must get. It seems to evolved from “She’s grumpy today, she must have her period” when we were at school, to…

Landing Strip

This was one of those scripts I presented without really having much hope it would be approved. After all, the whole ultraviolet spectrum landing strip thing is pretty obscure (but totally awesome). In spite of my own doubts, Izak decided to give it a whack. Although his first version (below, with different words) ended up…

Safety First

I sketched this one out while being taken out on my future father-in-laws boat. I even drew his model of yacht! To you know, make the reality strike home or something. But seriously we had a great time getting shown the ropes (literally). I’m writing this on my PC, which is having a little bit…

Dream No More

This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but with a giant pissed-as-hell tentacular Great Old One rising from the sea with a cock and balls drawn on his forehead. All things considered, it’s probably a better kind of end than the world deserves. At least it would be entertaining. You could roast popcorn…


Recently I’ve started throwing little mini-poems at Izak and Becky and basically saying, “do whatever you like with it.” Am I encouraging greater creative freedom or merely being a lazy shit? To be honest, I’m not going to follow that line of enquiry too closely but the fact remains that they’ve both produced some stellar…

Like a Racehorse (NSFW)

Hey man, if animals can do it, so can I! I’m a friggin human! King of the animals! Whatever they can do, I can do better. And if I can’t I drive them into extinction by turning their habitat into farms for McDonalds to prove how little of a shit I give. I am human,…