Daddy Loves Long Legs

I could dedicate this comic to several people in my life. I could dedicate it to my little sister, who watched hours and hours of documentaries with me growing up. I could dedicate it to my mum, who taught me to love spiders and bugs and other unloved garden things. I could dedicate it to…

Industrial Love

If something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing on a mass production scale. Such is the conventional wisdom of the modern age, and who am I to argue? ↓ TranscriptA stern looking princess is overseeing workers in a factory. All the workers are young women, and none of them are enjoying their job. In front of them is…


I love how the old fairy tales are so dark. They did not give a single fuck. Mutilation, torture, rape (with necrophiliac overtones)… And those are just from a few that Disney deigned to shine their bowlderising spotlight on. While these stories are now firmly in the Not Safe for Children box, you have to remember that…

Beace Keeping

This strip combines one of Becky’s favourite things with one of my favourite things: insects and putting way too many words in comic strips. But believe it or not, this is a cut down version. Becky was kind enough to show me what the panels looked like with the text alone, accompanied by an emoticon…

Long Distance Relationship

This strip came out of a passing joke I made to Izak – I didn’t really think twice about it, but he instantly saw it as a comic. It took a little while to figure out how work it visually – the ideal scenario would be if we made one of those ultra-long, skinny portrait…

Web & Contents Insurance

If Becky were writing this she’d probably want to tell you that “he’s a boy, because he’s got fat palps!” which is so quotable I’m pretty sure she’s going to make it into a kids book at some point. If peer pressure has it’s way of course. Hey you know what’s freakier than googling “Spiders”?…

Self Aware Pair

Hi guys. This comic came to me simply because I was sitting at work and for no apparent reason, I was thinking about self aware fruit. The phrase “self aware pear” came into my head and it was too good to let go so I sat there and forced a comic to shape. I wrote that comic…

Keep it Secret, Keep it Safe

This has been a busy weekend, and I’ve really been wanting to immortalize this quote for a while. So here it is. Hey we’ve got a kitten now! The little bastard better make me famous online. ↓ TranscriptIs it gay to shove drugs up your butt? Depends if they’re attached to a dude's dick

A Legend is Born

This one came out of conversation we were having about how ridiculous it is that Red Riding Hood could get tricked into believing a dirty ass forest dog was actually her grandma. Now I’ve seen animals in human clothing before and I know for sure I’d never get tricked into believing they were a human…

A Different Perspective

I thought of this comic while driving through the rain. This is dedicated to you Auckland. You crazy old rainy but hot city. I would write some more cool stuff for you to read here but my fiancé is speaking really loudly on the phone right next to me so I’ll just leave you some…