Abraham’s Choice

The story of Abraham and Isaac has always been a problematic one for me. Abraham’s blind obedience in such extreme circumstances has always made me uncomfortable and question where his loyalties really should have been placed. Perhaps it’s not so surprising that the world’s major monotheistic religions (which all purportedly sprang from Abraham) place such…

Other Girls

This comic is dedicated to Martin Rosner from Hot Paper Comics who told me to never give up on my dreams or something. I had this sketch knocking around in my notebook for a while and it always cracked me up, so it’s nice to finally get it out there. Although as you can see,…

The Upside of Death

I have to acknowledge Pierrepoint as a major inspiration for this strip, at least from an aesthetic point of view. Timothy Spall was absolutely exceptional in that film, but honestly when is he not? Somehow this character whose purpose in life was essentially to kill, became remarkably sympathetic. Maybe it was his unwavering professionalism, or his…

No Excuses Not to Live Your Dreams

I realise legs aren’t thrown way up like that but I needed a good view of the fumble. It’s artistic licence. There’s a little-known fact that once you have your full artistic licence you can also drive a forklift while intoxicated and kill people while on secret missions. Did James Bond ever actually have a…

That Special Someone

When you meet that special someone, you’ll just know, y’know? As your head begins to tear free of the muscle and tendon connecting it to your neck, in the midst of the excruciating pain and the merciful growing blackness, you’ll know that finally someone was willing to take a chance on you. Hey, don’t knock…

Wise Career Choices

For years I thought that Disney was solely to blame for the whole lemming myth, but when I looked into it a bit deeper (during the planning stage of this strip) the story turns out to be slightly more complex. Turns out that the mass lemming suicide deal has been something of an urban myth…

Indiscriminate Spawning

After drawing this I realised that it really hasn’t been that long since the last aqua sex joke. There should probably be some personal limits put in place for this sort of thing so I can avoid an intervention. Let’s talk about Vero for a moment, the new killer social media that will definitely last.…

Three Steps Away From Relaxation

Hey we’ll be at Auckland Zinefest next weekend! If you’re a kiwi, or more specifically, a kiwi who’s within an easy drive of Auckland Central City Library on Saturday from midday till 4pm then you should totally come in and say hi! We’ll have prints available as well as some new physical Zines and comics! If…

Joan the Believer

Belief was Joan of Arc’s superpower. That, and the fact that the Dauphin of France was so incredibly desperate that he was willing to try just about anything, including giving command of his army to a peasant girl. But it’s one thing to be given command, and another to command the respect and obedience of…

Fast Relationship

“We had some good times.” “We did, like that time we shook hands when we first met.” Oh yeah, I might be getting back into my gadget and movie reviews real soon! Here’s me trying to unbox the Oppo R11 with mixed results. I’ll have an actual review of the phone done in a couple…