Not Everything

The original punchline was the guy saying “we still have friendship” as his girlfriend gets sucked up by the tornado behind him, but as I was drawing it I was thinking  man, “that’s way too easy a joke” and changed it. When I first started drawing comics as a thirteen year old this was mostly…

The Names Job

Sephone returns for a third job, in the as-yet-unnamed cyberpunk underground city! There are two more scripts in the bank for this series, cause I’m on a bit of a buzz with the world and am really enjoying writing stuff for it. This is the first strip where we get an idea that Sephone might…

Shocking the Parents

When a web cartoonist asks you nicely whether you want to be in the comic without telling you what the comic is about, presume it’s always a trap. You may have noticed some of my recent strips have been a little bit down in the dumps. Trust me, I got a ton of scripts that…

First Contact

The pregnant girl may or may not be Akko from Little Witch Academia. For those not surrounded by birthing humanoids the skin-to-skin contact thing is a fairly well established deal where placing your baby on you is one of the best things you can do immediately after introducing it to the horror of living. I…

My Resignation

Welcome to IZS, the fantasy quitting comic. We draw the comics you really wanna see, we’ll draw the one with you shitting on your boss’s head next time 😉  

Adapting to Modern Life

Hope you’re all having a wonderful an awesome Auckland Anniversary weekend right now! Judging by the site analytics however, you’re probably not. Have a fun time existing anyway. I’ve been drawing like a madman recently. I did one of those things that artists like to do around the new years and do a comparison drawing.…

Lay A Stealthy One

Not gonna lie, I feel like this happens to me a lot. Like my boss just comes in the room to huff my nasty ones. He probably pretends he doesn’t smell anything cos I’m a girl and all that, the evil part of me finds great amusement in all this. In other news, did you…

Alty & SnowFlake

Hey man, I’m not saying anything Allan Moore didn’t already say thirty years ago. There’s been a massive wedge driven between the left and the right (in America at least) in the last couple years, and it’s one of the things that sits on my mind the most. I know it’s no one persons fault,…

A True Human Connection

Based on a true story, not from yesterday but like, the day before? The next day when I went back to the same petrol station he casually told me my coke was 2 million dollars. I guess he isn’t the sort to get hung up on shit like propriety or any of that stuff we…

Your Best Friend

Nothing says loyalty like testing the fence for weaknesses or just wandering away for no good reason. Hey we have a new video out! Kristof attempts to explain WWI in 15 seconds, and you know what, I think he manages it. We want to do a whole heap of these, so if you have any…