Get to the posta!

Aaaah, Essay (Check) Poster (Check) Website (CRAP!). But doesn’t it look sexy? Thankyou for being so awesome Century Gothic. Your gonna be the new font I thrash for the next couple months and then suddenly not like. Like I did with all those seudo grunge fonts. I know you were all like “Man Izak! Don’t…

The Pepsi Analyses

This single document has been the one thing I have been breaking my back over this week. It’s surprising how long I spent on it really. Personal opinion about Coke and Pepsi? I’m impartial. Pepsi has a sweet but milder taste than Coke. Coke is sharp and crisp. Coke leaves a yuck after taste at…

Navel Gazing #4

Well for the final post for Navel Gazing week I don’t have a whole lot of time for you guys I’m afraid. So instead I will leave you with a great series of vids that epitomize the “Living like I’m still a teenager who hasn’t a care in the world” lifestyle. It’s a brief small window into…

Navel Gazing #3

Today I found a dead mutilated weasel. Guess he thought he could sneak by my rodent land mines. That taught him a lesson he wont ever forget. I saw Inception the other day, and it’s been lurking on my mind ever since. I have been willing myself into having dreams as well. It’s not that…

Navel Gazing #2

Well I did manage to do something with my night yesterday. I spilt V in my Keyboard earlier in the day. Which super sucks! Nothing went wrong for a while, but later on while on MSN I discovered my keystrokes were registering more than one key. It got particularly bad when pressing A, S, &…

Navel Gazing week #1

Last night I vowed I would do something worth posting about today. Instead I decided to sleep in and skip uni. So now that I have effectively scuttled my education and my day I now pronounce that this week will be dedicated to navel gazing and sitting in ivory towers sipping bohemian tea. This is…

Rigging it

Hey guys, this is a special little request. If you think this above picture is choice and deserves to go on a Tee, then help Nicola out and vote it up. Unfortunatly you need to sign up, but that took me less than a minute. So it should only take people over the age of…

Suits and Casinos

Right now I’m pretty tired, trying to keep up with uni stuff while at the same time pursuing a social life. And to top it off I’m coming down with something. But enough with my personal woes! Yesterday we suited up for Quins birthday. Primed ourselves by watching The Hangover, and then went to the…


 Aaaah, man, it’s been one heck of a week. It was so heckful in fact that I couldnt be bothered getting up for the first two days of uni this week. It’s a tough life I tell ya. I mean, yeah, I’m gonna regret it next week when we have to show some fruits of…

Blue Chicks

This is a collection of pieces I did over my six week break. I have always wanted to do nifty things on photoshop (Painting wise, not filters and effects) and so I sat down and did these. I present them to you from my first attempt to my last attempt, so hopefully you can see…