Red Box Adventures 2

Pt.1 can be found here. On the fourth day of raiding, Puddle and Flange met a tall slim Elf, who when asked replied that her name was Sushi (maybe with a hint of hostility). As they made acquaintances with each other a pale, lank haired man strode into the Tavern. He stood at the door…


Well it’s that time of year. Where busy street corners get infested with ugly ass billboards with promises of  improving transport, lower taxes and totally not lying or any of that stuff the OTHER politicians do. They don’t want to improve transport, if you were going to fast you wouldn’t have time to look at…

Izak Smells: Ep2

If you can really call a random collection of clips an “episode”. But hey, it helps keeps thing sequential. The last bit of video in the studios was filmed yesterday. The other ones in the car and the Angry american voice (Which belongs to B00mTastic) were from a week or so back. Download The Music

September ends

I have to make a small correction to a post from a long time ago. Becky wants everyone to know she did one of the drawings in there. So there you go Becky, You finally get the kudos you deserve =D. She also took the two photos below. A girl after my own heart I…

Harrowing Harrows

well randomly on Sunday Microsoft went into it’s weekly business meeting. Bill looked around the room, “Ok, tell me all whatcha got?”, Josh the new guy stood up “well, we’ve been looking at figures, and it seems as though we haven’t been screwing up peoples digital experience much lately.” “Oh dear.” said Bill. “That IS…

Test Footage

Just playing around with the camera while getting some shots of the old corbans winery, It’s recently been hit up really good. Which is nice considering what it looked like last time I was there… I can’t find the post I last talked about it in, so no handy little back link for you. Goes…

Only Fools Rush In

Puddle, the wizard in training and Flange, the rouge kleptomaniac made their way from the Tavern to the lair with little incident. This was to be their first serious mission, and it was treated as such. They charged in, slaying two goblins, before realizing they would probably be ingested by the goblins pet drake if they didn’t…

Just some Graff

Just finished watching the “Exit through the Giftshop” documentary and urgently felt the need to post up some shots I have had lying around. I’m still planning on buying the DVD, but you don’t know how long the vids will stay up before getting taken down. bMd / IFM Component bMd / ONES

A Storm

“An Australia sized storm” loomed over NZ over the weekend. Fortunatly It was only New Zealand sized because the rest of it was hanging over the ocean. It was the biggest storm on the planet at the time. Other countries spent the day having picnics at the beach. The mighty Waikato got mightier, as it…

Turning 21

 Woot! My lifelong dream of being able to drink in America has finally become slightly more of a reality! But seriously. I still have the mind of a 17 year old with a 21 year old birth certificate, and that in itself is a scary thought. Life is marching on, and the more it does,…