Queen of the Reef – Destiny 8Bit

I was told Queen of the Reef was a decent enough character to do from Destiny. I’ll never know if I was lied to. There wasn’t an awful lot to go on, which gave me immediate alarm bells as to this characters worth. Oh well, I mostly used this one piece of official artwork as…

Mad Moxxi – Borderlands 8Bit

Mad Moxxi is one of those staple characters on the cosplay circuit at the moment. Googling images for her as reference for the pixel job brings up more cosplayers than ingame images, it’s insane. I guess the burlesque/steampunk fanservice tornado is strong with this character. I did two coloured background versions just cause I felt…

The Misadventures of Tron Bonne – 8bit

It’s been a busy weekend. Saturday we got given a hand by Matt & Lou to crawl into the depths of Parnell and grab a sofa set, even though Lou was feeling shit. Sitting there with a bag of pills, doing a million point turn in a tiny carpark in amongst some trendy apartments that…

Farcry 4 – Shangri-La

I accidentally went and got Farcry 4 on a whim the other day (Pixel art commissions have been good to me.) I liked the first Farcry back in the day, and then loved Farcry 2 because it was such a massive departure from the first and was a unique game at the time. It captured…

Josie Rizal – Tekken 7 8Bit

The new Tekken 7 has gone ahead and released another new character. I’m pretty chuffed with the new characters so far. They feel varied and are finding new countries to represent. I kind of like the idea of a global royal rumble. Josie Rizal is Filipino, her colours are representative of their flag and she’s…

Cross Eyed Orange Girl

Drew this absentmindedly just to see what would happen. Inspired by that Final Fantasy aesthetic. Worked out better than I thought it would. Times are pretty good for productivity, even with Far Cry 4 eating into my time.

#Zeroplace Chapter 1

Welcome to the first chapter of my new webcomic #Zeroplace, a story about two friends eschewing responsibility for one more year as they go on a roadtrip around the country of their birth. It’ll cover everything from disaster, freedom, love, and the widening of worldviews as they meet new people along the way. You can…

My Friends All Hate You – Blobby World Cover

There it is! The cover is complete! Obviously the right hand side is the front of the book, while the left will be the back. While working on this cover I decided to drop the “Broken Rainbow” moniker in favour of the little subtitled “Blobby World” because Broken Rainbow sounds too artsy while Blobby World…

Instagram Roundup April

So I’ve started an Instagram account. I’ve held out for a while but now I’ve found a decent reason to do one. You can follow it if you like, just search “izaksmells” and you’ll find it. Or you can just wait for the monthly roundup here. Pretty much the idea is to get me back…

Samurai/Archer Progress

Yesterday I got most of the “loading arrow” animation done. I just need to do a variety of different aiming directions then I’ll be done with the archer for now. I’ll probably need to go back and do some sort of “appearing” animation and death animations. We’ll see.