Okja Is a Wack as Fuck Movie

Apart from people who mark “vegan” as their favourite movie genre, I’m not sure who this film is for. On one hand It’s dropping F-bombs willy nilly and showing pretty disturbing shots of animal abuse, on the other it’s about a 13 year old chasing around a giant genetically modified pig in a simplistic plot…

Baby Driver Is a Near Perfect Movie

What Wes Anderson has done for symmetry in film, Edgar Wright has done for rhythm. Baby Driver will have your adrenaline pumping and your toe tapping from start to finish as the soundtrack carries the protagonist, the titular Baby (played by Ansel Elgort who was a part of our style shoot in the latest issue), through the fluid…

Cosplay of the Day: Emily Aurelia

Emily Aurelia isn’t smashing it on Instagram yet, but she should! Her Major cosplay is completely on point and so is her Kerrigan. She has recently turned some heads with her easy clickable Tracer shots. But with only 10k followers, she’s got a long way to go till she’s pulling the numbers of other major…

Marina – Splatoon 2 Pixel Art

I did an Inkling way back in 2015, and I have to say, I’m pretty pleased with how that ink blaster gun turned out. Not so much the legs, but oh well. Marina has been causing a stir on social for being a colour other than white, which is pretty cool. I can never decide…

Rita Ora Shows off the Latest Spring Summer Looks

Rita Ora may be well known as a singer peformer, but she’s also being making a real name for herself in the “stand around in almost nothing” category, and no one here is complaining. Her latest Spring Summer 2017 shoot came out earlier this month and the latest shots have already made their way online.…

4 Movies to Check Out in July

Welp, Wonder Woman has come out, so that pretty much puts a wrap on June. I mean sure, if your into Transformers that comes out later this month but ugh to that. So what do we have to look forward to in July? Spider-Man: Homecoming Following on from Captain America: Civil War, Spider-man, who’s been…

Baywatch, Better Than You Think

Baywatch is currently sitting on 18% on Rotten Tomatoes, but that’s not the score you should be watching. On the same site it has an audience approval rating of 70%. So before you shrug this movie off as probably being a steaming turd ask yourself, do you want to see some hot girls? Do you…

Check on Yo’ Bud

For the upcoming issue of M2 I wrote an intro for the Health section. Consider what I’m writing now as the intro for the intro. I thought it was important enough to share here. A few months ago a raw message was delivered to us guys from Jono and Ben of all places. Jono Pryor…

Prey – High Res Screens

So I played Prey a couple weeks ago and promptly forgot about it. I should probably get back into it because there’s plenty of game to be explored. However the Switch has been making its siren calls slightly to the right of my PC. What follows is my “first impression” write up I knocked out…

Twintelle – Arms 8Bit Pixel Art

Want a sticker of this? I can do that! Twintelle jumped onto the scene recently as a newly announced character that will be available in ARMS, the upcoming Nintendo Switch game. ARMS comes across as a little bit of a gimmick game, even though I’ve been told by someone who’s had first hand experience with…