Taupo Road Trip (Day 2)

We woke up at about 8 or 9 or maybe 10 exactly. The night before we had a non meaty meal ’cause of Hanna’s unfortunate vegetarianism. It wasn’t that bad actually. But this morning we had bacon and chicken periods. Then we went over what we would be doing for the day for possibly the millionth…

Matching the medium

Wow. The blog looks so clean and pro looking it makes me feel like writing above average posts, just so the content matches the medium. Even this bit I’m writing into now (The composer) is all new and swish. You kind of wonder why they would release a new better layout, not tell you about…

A draw? That’s like winning!

Me a week and a half ago: Soccer? Thats like rugby except the ball is ball shaped and you can’t touch it with your hands ’cause it’s like infested with germs right? Me now: 1 – 1 against Italy? Oh my goodness thats friggin epic I never thought we would be able to pull that…

The Majority (Got done son!)

“… And with one fell swoop two more assignments dropped to the ground, quickly shrivling and turning to a small oily stain. The smell of ozone lingers for a second. The hero sheathes his pen and looks up-“ And to celebrate me and Harry hiffed stuff around the room, stuck bits and pieces of peoples…

Pool party!

Ok, today deserves a post all to itself since we did something interesting. Woop Woop. Go Saturdays right? So we wake up at 8:30 -_-. Not a good start. Mike was up and about while I lay and pretended I was asleep (Trying to remember my dream.) I crawled outa bed and we sunbathed on…