Hurt in its Confusion

I fell victim to this gap in the wall in year one of uni. Huh, I’m surprised I didn’t write a post about it then. Anyway, it’s a treaterous shortcut that occasionally demands a price be paid for its use. In my case it was a set of headphones getting caught in it and breaking…

Three girls

I could not be bothered doing a dedicated doodle today. So instead you get an amalgamation of what I have done today. Still counts! Our net went down and I’ve only just been able to resurrect it. Looks like the old modem went and cooked itself in an attempt to escape being the accomplice in the procuring of…

Awkward flying

Turns out she was the only one on the planet who couldn’t fly. Well I just found out my good friend Hanna is in hospital. Probably a million years after everyone else since I lack the facebook. So when you get online next Hanna, you can know I was writing about you & wishing you…

Stag Don’t

Can I talk about the Stag Do? No. Because that would break sacred codes of conduct. Was Chris dressed up like a dirty cave man, with a giant stuffed doll that represents his future wife and also a baby doll? The public of Queen Street can testify to that one. Did I take video evidence…

Bee in This Bus

If you’re still looking for the Bee on this Bus then you’re missing the point. Now for a new feature! I like to call it: Top Songs this Week 1. John Powell – Goa 2. John Powell – The Drop 3. Cherry Poppin’ Daddies – Soul Cadillac Well. In an attempt to broaden peoples listening I have managed to pick some of the weirder side of…

Femur in the City

Femur chills in the big city. There should be another character hanging out with him but I haven’t figured out how to draw her yet. One of my projects I’ve been doing lately has involved making stamps about NZ innovations. I was getting frustrated with one of them, but I think I figured out a way…


I’m a big fan of the Bourne Whatever series. In fact it’s about the only set of movies I watch annually. The camera work and the way the scenes are mapped out really draw me into it. It makes you feel like your tagging along to see what happens. And those huge ass establishment shots?…

Femur again. I’m not sure what I was meant to post here. Since I got owned by a particularly bad bus headache and the awful feeling I might throw up at any minute between this post and the last. Oh well, How about we make it: Mum always makes you feel better.