Look Up!

This occured today as I was teaching my nephew Adam how to play Minecraft. This is a big jump for a lot of adults. But for a seven year old who doesn’t normally touch the computer it’s a HUGE step. Ideas and concepts that gamers take for granted he doesn’t understand yet. Even the friendly equantence we…

Christchurch Quake

This quote about the latest Christchurch quakes is taken from Jeremy Elwood. I tried writing something myself, but it ultimately came out too poetic. Poetry does not do the solemn nature of this event justice.


Either way someones in for a surprise. Welcome to K Road, where nothings as it seems and scab skin is a prerequisite for living there. Anyone else noticed the clouds gathering in Aux lately? Those little suckers are getting everywhere. Any info on them would be nice. bmd (?) / Cloud CHRIS / ONES / 56965

Lick your face?

I wanted to try and draw a Disney princess. Looks more like a hot Tongan chick with the flower I like to think. Huh. That’s weird. I was pretty sure I talked about it before, but can’t find any other posts about it. 56965 is a series of stickers that appeared all over Auckland early 2009 (If…

Look At All This Stuff!

I wasn’t in the room at the time this occured. But I heard it. Today my house (Otherwise known as the Fortress of Solitude in my head) became occupied with my sister, brother-n-law, and their three kids. While the quietness of the house is gone, the Lols are going to come a lot more often.…

Judge that guy

This is in reference to an earlier doodle which I failed to explain. No, that isn’t preacher beside me. It’s Robby. Explanation: So with that last doodle we were at church. The time came for the kids to go to Sunday school but our worship leader picked a rather dramatic collection of words to say…

Lantern Festival

Today I went to the Lantern Festival in Aux with Becky and her sisters. There will probably be extensive footage of it when the next episode comes out. It was freakin packed! Although I’m not to surprised, it was equally packed last time I went. My main coping mechanism was to just glaze over and stair at…

The Goku of Rock

I wasn’t really feeling inspired doing this one. All of today I have had a looming sense of unease. Well, a hangover of unease really. I had a run in with Studylink a while back, which admittedly was my own incompentence at play rather than bureaucratic monkeys playing with tape. Ah the scourge of students lives. I…