Is this the only comic that can be made about the Taliban without me getting my head cut off? Maybe, only time will tell, and I’ve heard time is being coy these days about telling us anything.
So yes! I am totally a dad now! Little Man is coming up to his third week of life, and his geopolitical opinions are a little rough around the edges. It’s ok, we have time to iron them out I’m sure. I had a whole lot of great gags written here but WordPress deleted it all. So this post is going to be much more brief.
Auckland just got it’s first lockdown in about a year due to someone walking in some Delta variant from Australia. Nice one guys I hope it was worth it. Although in all honesty I haven’t noticed any difference. I’ve been on paternity leave lockdown since Little Man was born. So my life has not been impacted at all.
“Open up, by order of King Herod!”
Two soldiers burst through the door to see Joseph standing there alone.
“Where’s your boy?”
One of the soldiers has moved forward to Joseph, threatening him with a sword.
“I don’t have time for this shit. Tell me where he is or-”
The same frame composition as the previous. This time the soldier has a surprised look on his face, there is a swish around his neck showing that something has just passed along its side. There is blood spurting from a clean slice - Joseph is spattered with it.
Mary is standing with Jesus cradled in her left arm and a small knife in her right hand. The other soldier is slumped behind her. Blood sprinkles her clothes and face. Some has also sprayed across Jesus.
“No one’s going to hurt little Jesus.”
A close up on the face of the infant Jesus, staring with wide-eyed curiosity up at his mother. There is a light spray of blood across one side of his face and surrounding swaddling cloth. Mary’s words come from above.
“No matter what.”
0 Thoughts on No Greater Love