Ok, first of all, I did try and upload these all to Imgur, but the site has been giving me grief all morning so I bit the bullet and uploaded them all here instead. There’s been a lot of new Mirror’s Edge news this morning. It’s a veritable feeding frenzy over on the reddit. First of all, let us all bathe in the glorious new story trailer.
And before you rush off to bug Solar Fields about releasing the music, the music for the trailer was actually done by Daniel James & Mick Gordon. Solar Fields IS still doing the music for the rest of the game, this was just a special mix for the trailer. Edit: He unhosted it from soundcloud, but here it is anyway. The track name is “I Am Faith”.
Now let’s go over the new art elements that have been released for the beta signup and character page. I’ve handily cut them into background sizes if you’re interested.
These last images I couldn’t have found without the help of MirrorsEdgeFan. To be honest he’s helped with a lot of this, it’s been a real team effort. Update: This first image was first uploaded with a lower res version, we’ve fixed that now so this one’s nice and crisp.
Now here are screencaps from the story trailer. I’d like to comment on a couple things. First note that there is a scene where she rides a drone (I didn’t include pics of that because they were blurry as shit). Now this scene could either be a one off cut scene but I tend to believe it’s an ingame moment. Drones make a handy way of gliding down from buildings, and she does it in the comics as well, so they’re definitely making a point out of it.
Secondly is the scene directly below this paragraph which shows her with the Silvine systems view. This scene is the moment immediately after her release from prison at the start of the game, and shortly after the view is disabled by her buddies so she can fall off the grid.
Other than that enjoy the pics.
0 Thoughts on Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst Story Trailer Screenshots & New Content