This weekend blew by. I can’t even remember Friday now. I can try though… And by remember I mean ask Becky. Oh ok, yeah, I worked late and then we went and picked up her new Nexus 4 from the illustrious +Josiah Spackman. He’s a real gent in hooking us up. They always talk about Apple Acolytes but no one ever mentions the Android Avangelist who’l go out of his way to hook you up with a sweet deal. Seriously man, it’s changed her life and mine. She hasn’t talked to me in five hours due to a gameboy emulator and a Pokemon Leaf Green emulator. I’m telling her forcefully to buy the full version so she can play the game at a million miles an hour and enjoy the game at the spastic pace I enjoyed Pokemon Blue at on my NO$GMB back in the day. Did anyone else split screen that and share a keyboard? Good times.
Saturday was spent at The Postmans Leg having “photo times” for +Quin Polderman‘s going away thing. This was my personal highlight.
0 Thoughts on Snow: Episode 37