A draw? That’s like winning!

Me a week and a half ago: Soccer? Thats like rugby except the ball is ball shaped and you can’t touch it with your hands ’cause it’s like infested with germs right? Me now: 1 – 1 against Italy? Oh my goodness thats friggin epic I never thought we would be able to pull that…

The Majority (Got done son!)

“… And with one fell swoop two more assignments dropped to the ground, quickly shrivling and turning to a small oily stain. The smell of ozone lingers for a second. The hero sheathes his pen and looks up-“ And to celebrate me and Harry hiffed stuff around the room, stuck bits and pieces of peoples…

Misc Pics

A strange phenomnom sprouted up around Albany Village a few weeks ago. I managed to get some flicks (Although some got ripped down before I managed to get a pic.) I’m guessing its a first years idea. I like it either way. Using geometric shapes on a flat surface to create the idea of depth.…