So I started playing Tera a few weeks ago, right about the time I moved actually. I was just about to leave my brothers place (and fiber connection) when I suddenly decided “I want to play an MMO” after a huge amount of time of never going near them.
I downloaded about 30% of my brothers internet cap in one night downloading the game. A few days later I bailed, leaving him to pick up the pieces.
I took these screenshots with the intent of using it to convince some of my friends to play. But they started playing anyway. So here we are anyways. Everythings shot at 1920×1080 with everything cranked right up. I may have a look around online and see if I can get the draw distances cranked up a bit more. I reckon my machine could handle it easily enough.
You’ll notice I haven’t got any shots of mobs really, purely because with these shots I’m trying to keep any UI gameplay elements out of them. Unfortunately the screenshot mode doesn’t hide enemy names and health etc, only the HUD. Also they’d bash me any time I got close. So instead you get these ethereal lonely shots instead.
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