So I decided now’s a great time to just do a random comic strip. I haven’t really done any in a while, due to Snow. I feel like if I’m not working on Snow then I’m squandering my precious drawing time. But since I’ve already got this weeks one in the bag, due to Matt’s industrious writing, I feel I can get away with it.
But seriously, it frightens me that I feel a little out of touch of what kids are into these days. I hear a lot of talk about Air Benders and Legends of Macarenas or something. Bronies? Complaining? Motor boating? I dunno.
Also Blogger has added a +1 button to the top of my site without my permission. Now I have at least three +1 buttons on my blog at any given time. So there will always be a redundant button loitering somewhere on the site. I can’t abide by that. Time for a culling.
0 Thoughts on Finn The Inhumane