I have to say this more often than I like. Maybe it’s called denial but I call it STFU.
I think my early roots are in anime. I grew up always drawing Trunks from DBZ. But these days I abhor the idea of a million new artists drawing exactly the same, albeit really well in some cases, but exactly the same none the less. Ah each to his own, even if his own is a million other peoples own.
In yesterdays post you may have noticed an image in a frame stating “Where did my future go??” I went ahead and bothered checking around and found out a bit more about this figure.
Apathy has been around a buncha months so far I think. I’m not sure when I started seeing the first apathy stickers appearing on crossings in town. One of them actually managed to sneak into one of my posts a while ago in December.
Anyway, here’s Apathies site. It seems as though he wants us to interact with the posters he pastes up, so shit, take a vivid into town with you next time and give him a piece of your mind. The biggest concentration seems to be around Symonds street.
outside Auckland Uni |
On Queen St |
Have you considered using this sort of street art to engaged with the public in a more positive thought process?
I, personally haven't to be honest. But there are a lot of good ideas out there that (I think) are bringing communities together.
Most of them being installations and interactive works.
Written text like this is a little more "One way" if you know what I mean.
What do you mean by "one way"? And thanks for spreading this around much appreciated.
No problem! As long as your doing cool work in the greater Auckland area or where ever I might be at the time!
With the Interactive pieces I mentioned, they only just stopped short of having someone stand around it going "Hey hey, touch this, change it!"
I don't think the majority of people realize yet that you can interact with each other and each others work on the street yet.
Yeah you are right, for all the hundreds of these I have put up there is only a small number that actually get a response apart from the most common response of the poster being ripped down.
Yeah that sucks D=. Well if there's anything I can do to help just drop me a line!