Is this the only comic that can be made about the Taliban without me getting my head cut off? Maybe, only time will tell, and I’ve heard time is being coy these days about telling us anything.
So yes! I am totally a dad now! Little Man is coming up to his third week of life, and his geopolitical opinions are a little rough around the edges. It’s ok, we have time to iron them out I’m sure. I had a whole lot of great gags written here but WordPress deleted it all. So this post is going to be much more brief.
Auckland just got it’s first lockdown in about a year due to someone walking in some Delta variant from Australia. Nice one guys I hope it was worth it. Although in all honesty I haven’t noticed any difference. I’ve been on paternity leave lockdown since Little Man was born. So my life has not been impacted at all.
Prayer to the Sands
In the waste of the world the still one hulked,
Dun hued and pitted with rust.
A grey gaze sifted the sun stained rock,
slid over the grizzled scrub.
A prayer to the sands keened slow from its mind,
the sigh of a dying thing.
Let the light fall now from my too charred frame,
come cover me now with your warmth.
May the din and the scorch of the earth
fade away, as my iron returns to the dust.
Who can say if the soft sands heard,
if the wind was mindful at all?
But as the world wound to the cusp of dusk,
the still one lifted its head -
a mewling escaped from the age dead weeds,
a cry from the shade locked stone.
And in the last shafts of a dirt drab day
a shape coalesced from the dark.
Crusted fur and wide round eyes
deep with doubt and need.
For just a moment neither moved,
as hues slid off to drown…
Then padding fear-bold through the dim
the creature shifted close,
nosed tentatively at the bulk
and slipped inside a gap.
The still one sensed the life warm form
curled soft inside its plate,
and prayed once more to the sliding sands
to rule over its fate.
Let the light rise gold on our flesh and steel,
be kind to us now on our way.
May the din and the scorch of the earth
fade away, as we take our first steps toward home.
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