Is this the only comic that can be made about the Taliban without me getting my head cut off? Maybe, only time will tell, and I’ve heard time is being coy these days about telling us anything.
So yes! I am totally a dad now! Little Man is coming up to his third week of life, and his geopolitical opinions are a little rough around the edges. It’s ok, we have time to iron them out I’m sure. I had a whole lot of great gags written here but WordPress deleted it all. So this post is going to be much more brief.
Auckland just got it’s first lockdown in about a year due to someone walking in some Delta variant from Australia. Nice one guys I hope it was worth it. Although in all honesty I haven’t noticed any difference. I’ve been on paternity leave lockdown since Little Man was born. So my life has not been impacted at all.
“And so the brave people of Earth gave us their very last trees”
Caption: Christmas has always been a time
The storyteller’s audience is enchanted.
“so that Christmas could live forever amongst the stars.”
Caption: for telling stories
A ragged man and son stand in a desolate treeless wasteland, looking up at what appears to be a particularly bright star.
Caption: that aren’t quite true.
Gosh, I hate to change the direction of this conversation away from hardening pensis, but I absolutely love love love this comic. As someone raised on the lies of Christianity but a true believer in the magic of a Christmas tree, I was enthralled with the first two panels, and then wryly delighted by the honesty of the last one. The strip this one relates to – “the billions we left behind…” Also just astonishingly on-point!
It’s so refreshing to get a real comment these days! 😀 We’ve not done much on IZS in a long time, so I guess that’s to be expected. I too was raised in a deeply religious household, which I’m sure is not too hard to figure out from the stuff I wrote.
I also just wanted to highlight (in case you didn’t already know) that the ‘billions left behind’ comic was inspired by one of your comments. A joy to hear from you every time!