I was slightly horrified when our usually friendly kitten, Tandem, did this to my future father-in-law when he met her for the first time this weekend.

In other news, Izak Smells turns one year old today!!! Happy birthday comic, we’ll have a beer for you later.



To be honest I’m surprised I’ve managed to stick it out. Isaac started this by himself a year ago and while I was the ever supportive girlfriend, I never considered joining him in the venture. I drew a single comic which was a revamp of a comic Isaac had drawn earlier. Isaac posted the comic and then decided that I would draw a comic for every Wednesday and here I am. It’s been a lot of fun! We’ve meet some rad people, been to some cool shows, sold some books and made teenager’s dreams come true by selling them mermaid posters. I’m pretty stoked Isaac forced me gave me this Wednesday slot.

Get ready for a new Sincerely Snail! This one’s a good’n. Snail, you are so wise.
